It is a part of a broader pattern of narco-terrorism that poses a threat to national security rather than an isolated incident. Off the coast of Kerala, the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) and the Navy found an incredible 2,500 kilograms of methamphetamine. 

    This haul, estimated to be worth over Rs 15,000 crore, was the biggest of its sort in the nation. A boat carrying sixty cocaine packets was seized last month off the coast of Gujarat, and the six Pakistani crew members were taken into custody. 

    Source: Onmanorama

    Off the coast of Porbandar, five foreign people were apprehended in February with 3,300 kg of drugs, including methamphetamine and charas.These incidents highlight the difficulty’s scope and intricacy.

    These drugs are frequently linked to Afghanistan, a significant centre for the manufacture of heroin and opium. A UN Office on Drugs and Crime study from the previous year brought attention to the region’s dramatic increase in methamphetamine manufacture. The developments highlight how serious the situation is and how quickly comprehensive measures to stop drug trafficking in the marine realm are needed.

    Source: The Economic Times

    Drug trafficking is an ongoing threat that requires law enforcement agencies to work together more closely, for intelligence-sharing to be effective, and for the Navy, Coast Guard, Anti-Terrorist Squad, and NCB to conduct intensive maritime surveillance in order to effectively contain the drug cartels.Taking care of the demand side is just as important. It takes a combination of awareness campaigns and investments in drug prevention and rehabilitation programs to keep people off the path of addiction.

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