The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM), launched in 2014, has significantly advanced safety, dignity, health, and the economy in India. By aiming to make India open defecation-free (ODF) and promoting hygiene, SBM has created a profound impact across these domains.

    Safety and Dignity: SBM has especially transformed the lives of women and girls by reducing the need for them to defecate in the open, which often exposed them to harassment and health risks. Constructing over 100 million household toilets has provided them with a safe and dignified environment, empowering them to participate more actively in social and economic activities.

    Source:- news 18

    Health: Open defecation was a major contributor to water-borne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid, leading to high mortality rates, especially among children. The mission’s focus on sanitation and hygiene has led to a significant reduction in these diseases. A study by UNICEF estimated that every rupee invested in SBM yielded a saving of ₹4.30 in healthcare costs. The reduction in disease burden has also enhanced productivity and improved the overall quality of life.

    Source:- -BBC news

    Economy: The Swachh Bharat Mission has stimulated economic growth by promoting sanitation-related infrastructure development, creating jobs in construction, and generating demand for sanitary products and services. Additionally, improved sanitation has had a direct impact on tourism, as cleaner public spaces have enhanced India’s attractiveness as a travel destination, boosting local economies. Moreover, healthier citizens are more productive, contributing positively to the national GDP.

    Overall Impact: Swachh Bharat Mission has not only led to significant improvements in public health and hygiene but has also fostered a culture of cleanliness, instilling a sense of responsibility among citizens. By linking sanitation with safety, dignity, health, and economic growth, the mission has positioned itself as a transformative initiative driving holistic development across India.

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