This is particularly true for the younger generation and novice investors who have been able to take advantage of these developments. Additionally, such apps make investing more appealing to actually commit to consistently because they make it less expensive, simpler to understand, quicker, and quicker.

    The major technologies that have contributed to reimagining the investment environment and making it more enticing to first-time investors are highlighted below:1. SIP: Systematic Investment Plans, or SIPs, have enabled regular individuals to invest modest sums of moneyu2014sometimes as little as Rs. 500u2014disciplined across a range of funds that are appropriate for their needs and financial objectives since the late 1990s. This may be done without having to worry too much about timing your purchases and sales or about the market’s volatility.2. Digitization of KYC: One of the key factors contributing to the ease of investing through SIPs or generally is the digitization of paperwork and KYC. Instead of having to start the procedure over every time you wish to start a new SIP, you can now upload the necessary papers online, get them validated online, and share the data across any investing platform that you choose to utilize.3. Going broker less: A conventional intermediary, or broker, was once essential to the investment process. However, a number of applications have laboriously worked and are still working to reduce the need for brokers, making it simpler, less expensive, and quicker for novice investors to directly invest and trade in the stock market.4. Pre-defined/automated investment options: Pre-made baskets of themed funds are just one of the newest investment possibilities offered by a number of new investment platforms that are changing how people think about investing. With the use of these products, investors may create a diversified portfolio by diversifying their assets across different industries and lifestyle goals.5. Spare change investing: Spare change investing is one of the most exciting developments brought about by modern technology; applications that allow the automated and immediate investment of a small sum of money (as little as $1) each time you do an online transaction make investing as simple as shopping. Spare change investing is a development that is more suited for younger investors who trade virtually every day online and have a strong intention to start investing but don’t do so for lack of capital or because it is difficult to get started.


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