In a heartwarming revelation, Priyanka Chopra’s mother, Dr. Madhu Chopra, shared how Bollywood stars Hrithik Roshan and his father, filmmaker Rakesh Roshan, stepped in to help the family during a difficult time. Dr. Ashok Chopra, Priyanka’s father, was diagnosed with cancer and needed urgent medical treatment in Boston, but airlines refused to fly him due to his serious medical condition1.


    Dr. Madhu Chopra recalled this trying period in her family’s life during an interview on the YouTube channel Something Bigger Show. She described her husband’s diagnosis as the “most vulnerable moment” of her life1. When complications in his health arose, the family decided to explore treatment options in Boston, where Dr. Madhu Chopra had relatives. However, arranging the journey proved daunting as none of the airlines wanted to take such a serious patient, even after the family provided disclaimers1.

    Source:- bbc news

    At the time, Priyanka was shooting for the film “Krrish” with Hrithik Roshan and Rakesh Roshan. When Priyanka shared her worries with them, Hrithik asked her, “Why are you crying?”1 Both father and son then used their influence to make it possible for the airlines to take Dr. Ashok Chopra. Dr. Madhu Chopra said, “They helped us, put in a word, they knew people”1.

    Dr. Ashok Chopra chose to keep his illness private, not wanting anyone, including family members, to know about his condition. This made Dr. Madhu Chopra feel distanced and unsure of how to support him1. She struggled with balancing emotions, unsure whether to confront him, show empathy, or feel anger as she watched him internalize his anxiety and worries.

    Dr. Ashok Chopra passed away in 2013 after battling cancer for over eight years. Priyanka Chopra has often spoken about the support she received from Hrithik and Rakesh Roshan during this challenging time1. The gesture by the Roshan family is a testament to their kindness and willingness to help others in need.

    The story of Hrithik and Rakesh Roshan’s assistance has touched many hearts and serves as a reminder of the power of compassion and friendship in difficult times. It also highlights the strong bonds within the Bollywood community and the support system that exists among its members.

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