This incident took place in an Indigo flight from Istanbul to Delhi, where the passenger was angry due to some issue that he faced while ordering and getting food on the flight. He expressed his grievances on twitter thereafter. He had asked for a sandwich and one of the attendants asked him to wait and that she’ll check whether it’s available. passenger started misbehaving and yelling at her which made her cry. In the video, the flight attendant can be seen talking to him and then in a jiffy, both of them can be seen shouting at each other. I am an employee, I’m not your servant, said the flight attendant. She asked him to speak with decency and confronted him about the incident and making her colleague cry.Indigo said in a statement, they are fully aware of the events that took place. After watching the video, many people took Twitter to express their opinions. Some said, that no matter what, the crew should not engage in an argument with the passenger and address the issue calmly. Afterall, it’s the airline’s image that gets smeared. Others said that the flight attendant was right to do what she did. The passenger should have maintained some decency. Whose side are you on? Let us know in the comments.


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