The alliance indicates a favorable reaction and acceptance of the Abraham Accords while reestablishing the region’s power balance between Turkey and Iran.  According to the joint statement issued after the virtual summit in July 2022, This unique grouping of countries aims to harness the vibrancy of our societies and entrepreneurial spirit to tackle some of the greatest challenges confronting our world, with a particular focus on joint investments and new initiatives.
    Source: Deccan Herald
    The I2U2 provides India with a platform to engage West Asia geopolitically and assume a more active leadership position while still upholding its strategic independence and pursuing its own interests. Food parks, energy initiatives, and semiconductor factories are just a few of the investments that the I2U2 has already delivered to India. 
    I2U2 offers a diplomatic platform for Israel’s involvement in the region after its historical isolation in West Asia. Together with the I2U2, the recently formed Abraham accords have the potential to strengthen ties in the area and pave the way for additional collaboration. Focusing on incorporating Israel into West Asia is I2U2’s main goal. 

    Source: Drishti IAS : English
    The four leaders reaffirmed their support for peace and the rapprochement with Israel in a joint declaration that was made public. With the market of India, Israeli technology, the US industrial complex, and Emirati finances, I2U2 provides a rare and distinctive economic combination.
    The organization is criticized for two factors: first, the members’ divergent strategic viewpoints on the current global order; and second, the group’s decision to ignore conventional security problems. On the one hand, Israel and the UAE have cordial business ties with China, whereas the US and India see China as a significant threat. Despite the criticism, I2U2 has the ability to grow in the future, including in the fields of technology and space, and to engage in new forms of cooperation.
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