The first meeting of a freshly elected Assembly is significant enough for the governor to address the joint session of the legislature, outlining the accomplishments of the previous administration and outlining the direction the new administration would take.
    Source: The South First
    Given that this is a new administration, the state government, which prepares the Governor’s message, was quite critical of the previous BJP administration. However, the BJP was unable to actively oppose it or hold the administration accountable for its pledges in the lack of an opposition leader.
    Another significant occasion, the announcement of the new state budget, also occurred during the first session. In violation of the Karnataka Fiscal Responsibility Act, 2002, which stipulates that the revenue spending shall not exceed the income collections, Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, who also holds the finance ministry, submitted a budget with a Rs 12,000 crore revenue shortfall.
    Basavaraj Bommai, his predecessor, had produced a budget with excess revenues. The BJP had the chance to challenge the administration on budgetary issues, and the Assembly had the chance to discuss the problem. However, a leaderless opposition could not accomplish too much. Although India doesn’t have a formal system for shadow leaders, the opposition leader might act in that capacity and spearhead the opposition to the treasury benches both within and outside the House. 

    Source: CNN- News 18
    The Leader of the Opposition has been given statutory status and cabinet rank in order to carry out this function. The incumbent of the office is seen as the voice of the opposition, and it is up to them to articulate the opposition’s positions on numerous matters and hold the administration responsible. Unfortunately, numerous laws were approved during the current session without even being debated.
    Without a leader, the opposition benches lost focus and ended up agitating the public on the BJP’s favourite issues without being able to pressure the government to discuss any important issues. The government benefits from the lack of a unified opposition. By causing such an excessive delay in choosing a Leader of the Opposition, the BJP has failed to fulfil its obligations under the constitution. It needs to choose one right away. The best in the administration can only be brought out by a strong opposition.
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