Opposition targeted the government by saying that current government miscalculated the expenditures and also alleged that the government misplaced its focus, their misplaced focus lead to flow of fund in the wrong direction. 
    P chidambaram asked the government of their plan to fund the additional spendings. In September itself, the government made it very clear that we are not changing our borrowing sched- ule… We have not changed our borrowing plans, which means we are very clear that we are going to see that the revenue that we are generating is sufficient to take care of this addition, she said.
    Image credit: scroll.inThe debate was happening in Rajya Sabha on the issue of supplementary demands for grants. The additional grant required to meet the required expenditure of the government is called Supplementary Grants. However, Nirmala sitharaman has already in a speech on the same topic has said that UPA government had placed 2 supplementary grants in 2008 when global financial crises was impacting the economy. This time she also replied on other issues firmly. From inflation to GDP. infact she also said India is about to double it’s GDP and said India’s decision was the reason Indian economy doesn’t slip into recession like other major economies. The apprehensions people have in their mind that this was because we could not estimate it rightly earlier, and therefore, we are coming with a correction, is not well founded at all. Situations developed in such a way… that we needed this additional support to a be extended, she said.In September itself, the government made it very clear that we are not changing our borrowing sched- ule… We have not changed our borrowing plans, which means we are very clear that we are going to see that the revenue that we are generating is sufficient to take care of this addition, she said replying to chidambaram question. She stated that even Chidambaram had then urged the government to borrow and spend and even print money to reboot the economy and that the tendency was that we should give money in the hands of the people. As 2022 comes to a close, we should consider the negative impact of the execution of such a suggestion by the other nations and recession is likely coming there, she added, adding that India avoided recession thanks to the tailored approach it provided relief during Covid.What do you think, is India government miscalculated expenditures? Is GDP going to get double soon?


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