In recent diplomatic exchanges, India has invoked the tragic 1985 bombing of Air India Flight 182, commonly known as the Kanishka bombing, to highlight the persistent threat posed by Khalistani extremism. This incident, orchestrated by Sikh militants advocating for an independent Khalistan, resulted in the deaths of 329 people, making it one of the deadliest aviation terror attacks. The bombing was a stark manifestation of the violent extremism linked to the Khalistani movement, which continues to be a point of concern for India.

    Source:- BBC news

    Recent tensions between India and Canada have reignited discussions about this historical tragedy. India has raised alarms over what it perceives as Canada’s leniency towards Khalistani sympathizers within its borders. This sentiment was echoed by India’s External Affairs Minister, S. Jaishankar, who cited the Kanishka bombing as a grim reminder of the deadly potential of Khalistani extremism. Jaishankar emphasized the need for international vigilance and cooperation to prevent the resurgence of such violent ideologies.

    Source:- India today

    India’s reminder underscores the long-standing complexities in Indo-Canadian relations, where issues of diaspora politics and national security intersect. As both nations navigate these challenges, the legacy of the Kanishka bombing remains a sobering call for action against terrorism in all its forms.

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