The deal could be announced as early as next month, and would be a major boost for India’s efforts to promote electric mobility.
    The Indian government has been pushing for a switch to electric vehicles in order to reduce pollution and improve air quality. Tesla is one of the world’s leading electric vehicle manufacturers, and a deal with the company would give India access to its latest technology.Source:- the times of indiaThe proposed deal would allow Tesla to import its Model 3 and Model Y vehicles into India without paying the country’s high import duties. The company would also be able to set up a manufacturing plant in India, which would create jobs and help to boost the country’s economy.
    Source:-bussiness today The Indian government is also reportedly considering providing financial incentives to Tesla to encourage the company to invest in India. These incentives could include tax breaks, subsidies, and access to cheap land.
    A deal with Tesla would be a major coup for the Indian government, and would help to position India as a leader in the electric vehicle market. The deal would also be a boon for Tesla, which is looking to expand its global footprint. Tesla carOpens in a new windowThe negotiations between India and Tesla are still ongoing, and it is unclear when a final deal will be reached. However, both sides are reportedly optimistic about the chances of a successful outcome.
    If a deal is reached, it would be a major step forward for India’s electric vehicle ambitions. The country is aiming to have 30% of all new vehicles sold by 2030 be electric.Share your views in the comments


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