No new deaths have occurred because of the Corna virus. The total number of deaths recorded in India to date remains unchanged at 5,30,658.
    The total number of active cases is 3906, down from 3907 on Sunday.The COVID-19 pandemic is seen to have weakened, and India is safe from the global pandemic. Vaccination is said to play a significant role in removing the pandemic effect.The total number of cases is 4.46 crores, with active cases accounting for 0.01 percent of the total number of cases. There are now 3906 active cases.The recovery rate for patients is 98.80 percent. The total number of recovered patients is now 4,414,417.where the fatality rate is 1.19 percent. But no deaths have been recorded in the past 24 hours.On Sunday, there were 173 new cases reported and four deaths reported.The total number of vaccination doses administered in India is 219.97 crores, which includes 8422 doses administered in the last 24 hours.Meanwhile, the Chinese government eased the zero COVID policy on December 7.This decision comes out after the public protests that happened in China, as the country was seeing a dent in its economy because of the lockdowns and strict policies.China has also deactivated the mobile app that tracked its 1.4 billion citizens’ travel histories.rnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnrnWhat do you think? COVID is finally under control. Comment below.


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