It appears like the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and the Congress would agree to share seats in Delhi. The AAP is anticipated to run for four of the seven parliamentary seats in the Capital, with the Congress taking the remaining seats. 

    AAP is depending on the backing of the Congress to overshadow the BJP because its top leaders are being investigated by Central investigative agencies. The BJP had taken all seven Delhi seats in the 2014 and 2019 Lok Sabha elections, despite the fact that the AAP had won both the 2020 and 2015 Assembly elections. 


    While the Congress is trying to turn things around following a string of disastrous polling events in the nation’s capital, the AAP is hoping for a different outcome this time. Following the Supreme Court’s involvement, the AAP-Congress candidate won the Chandigarh mayoral election, which appears to have inspired both parties to put aside or resolve their issues. 

    In Gujarat, Haryana, and Chandigarh, their seat-sharing agreement is likewise thought to be finalised; in Punjab, however, a consensus has proven elusive. The Samajwadi Party and the Congress have partnered in Uttar Pradesh. 63 seats will be contested by the former, and 17 by the latter. 

    Source: India Today

    This is the first significant agreement amongst members of INDIA. It is stated that the two parties have reached a definitive agreement in Madhya Pradesh as well, which was not the case during the previous year’s Assembly elections. 

    Even if the Trinamool Congress has chosen to go it alone in West Bengal, opposition parties are starting to realise that they cannot take on the powerful BJP on their own in most of the nation’s states. The resignation of seasoned party leaders like Ashok Chavan and the return of Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar to the NDA appear to have forced the Congress to be more accommodating of its partners. This is encouraging for an alliance that is having trouble getting off the ground.

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