The process of bidding and securing the opportunity to host the Olympic Games spans several stages of discussions, negotiations, and evaluations. The journey initiates with preliminary dialogues and expressions of interest, where the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) interfaces with the International Olympic Committee (IOC), presenting their intent to bid for the prestigious event.

    Subsequently, an extensive feasibility study is conducted to evaluate India’s capability to host the Olympics, encompassing vital aspects such as infrastructure readiness, financial robustness, sustainability initiatives, and overall preparedness to organize and manage an event of such magnitude. This study serves as a foundational document that outlines the nation’s capacity and commitment to fulfilling the hosting requirements.
    Integral to the bidding process are the multiple guarantees that India must provide to ensure a seamless execution of the Games. These guarantees encompass a wide spectrum, including financial, logistical, security, and administrative assurances. India must display a concrete plan outlining how it intends to fund the Games, construct and upgrade necessary infrastructure, ensure safety and security, and handle other essential logistical aspects.
    Furthermore, the bid demands a strong commitment to upholding the Olympic Charter and promoting the Olympic spirit. This includes guaranteeing non-discrimination, promoting sustainability, and fostering a culture of inclusion and diversity throughout the event.

    Source  TOI
    The path to securing the Olympics in 2036 is undoubtedly arduous and extensive, requiring meticulous planning, collaboration between government bodies, sporting organizations, and the private sector, and a unified national effort to showcase India’s capability to host a memorable and successful Olympic Games.
    India’s aspiration to host the Olympics in 2036 underscores the nation’s ambition to not only promote sports but also position itself as a global sports hub, welcoming athletes and enthusiasts from across the globe. As the journey unfolds, India remains committed to demonstrating its ability to deliver an extraordinary Olympic experience, leaving a lasting legacy on the world stage.
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