. Kishan Reddy, newly appointed as India’s Coal Minister, emphasized the urgent need for India to reduce its reliance on coal imports. In his inaugural address, Reddy outlined a vision to enhance domestic coal production and achieve greater energy self-sufficiency.

    Source:- BBC news

    Reddy highlighted the economic and strategic benefits of decreasing coal imports, which have been a significant component of India’s energy consumption. He stressed that boosting indigenous coal production would not only conserve foreign exchange but also support India’s economic growth and job creation in the mining sector.

    Source:- BBC news

    The minister proposed several measures to increase domestic output, including technological advancements in coal mining, improving infrastructure for coal transportation, and streamlining regulatory processes to facilitate faster clearances for mining projects. He also called for increased collaboration between public and private sectors to accelerate production capabilities.

    Reddy’s remarks come amid India’s ongoing efforts to balance its energy needs with environmental sustainability. While coal remains a vital part of India’s energy mix, there is also a growing push towards renewable energy sources. The minister acknowledged the importance of transitioning to cleaner energy but underscored that coal will continue to play a crucial role in India’s energy security for the foreseeable future.

    His stance reflects the government’s commitment to making India more self-reliant in energy production and reducing vulnerability to global market fluctuations.

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