The Indian government has called on Pakistan to immediately vacate the areas it occupies in the Union Territories of Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh, which India considers an integral part of its territory. India’s position on these territories has been consistent and unwavering, maintaining that Pakistan’s occupation is illegal and in violation of international norms.
    The term habitual offender used by India reflects its frustration with Pakistan’s repeated attempts to interfere in India’s internal affairs and its continued support for terrorist groups operating within the region. India has long accused Pakistan of providing safe havens and support to terrorist organizations that target Indian soil, further exacerbating the security situation in the region.
    Source:- the news mill
    India’s call for the vacation of occupied areas comes as part of its broader efforts to resolve the Kashmir conflict through peaceful means and dialogue. India has repeatedly expressed its willingness to engage in bilateral talks with Pakistan to address outstanding issues, including the status of Jammu and Kashmir.
    Source:- India todayHowever, for any meaningful dialogue to take place, India insists that Pakistan must first take concrete steps to dismantle terrorist infrastructure on its soil and end its support for cross-border terrorism. Only then, India argues, can a conducive environment be created for productive discussions and a lasting resolution to the longstanding disputes between the two nations.
    In the meantime, international observers continue to closely monitor the situation, urging both India and Pakistan to exercise restraint and explore diplomatic solutions to their differences. The international community plays a pivotal role in encouraging dialogue and facilitating a peaceful resolution to one of the most enduring conflicts in South Asia.Share your views in the comments


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