While industrialised nations make up the majority of those experiencing a labour shortage, other nations also deal with the issue. Taiwan has expressed interest in employing 100,000 Indians to work in agriculture, hospitals, and manufacturing. 

    India is in the process of negotiating labour supply agreements with the Netherlands, Greece, Denmark, Switzerland, and has already struck agreements with Japan and France. India and Israel have inked an agreement for the dispatch of 42,000 Indian labourers to Israel. Approximately 18,000 Indians are currently employed in Israel, primarily in caregiving roles. The majority of these nations have labour shortages in industries including manufacturing, agriculture, construction, and healthcare.

    Source: Marketing in Asia

    Indian labourers have migrated throughout the world for millennia, but there is currently a chance to organise and control this migration while also somewhat easing the nation’s unemployment issue. Informal and illicit avenues exist, as demonstrated by the unsuccessful attempt in France last week. 

    The need for labour will only grow, and India will be able to supply it for the foreseeable future without compromising the labour market’s ability to supply labour. Although certain nations have signed bilateral agreements, India has also urged that trade deals include labour mobility and services. 

    Equitable terms of service and the prevention of worker exploitation will be ensured by mutually agreed-upon legal assurances. The workers’ remittances will help India, and they will be able to support themselves and start new lives abroad. The majority of these contracts have a set amount of service time. 

    Source: First Post

    While some may choose to remain, workers will be able to return with some savings. India will need to plan ahead and forecast what other nations will need in the future, then skill up and train its workforce appropriately. Ensuring the implementation of a just and effective system for employee recruitment and selection is crucial. These hiring processes are typically rife with bias, corruption, and unfair practices.

    Additionally, a mechanism for promptly handling and resolving grievances and issues that foreign workers could encounter should be in place. Indians employed overseas at all levels have performed admirably and made a positive impression on foreign nations. They provide the nation with soft power. However, lately, a few of them have provoked negative reactions with incorrect and inflammatory postures and attitudes, particularly in nations influenced by Indian social and political dynamics, such as the US, Australia, and the UK. That will not in any way advance the cause of the nation. India and its people ought to seize this chance with all of their might.

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