In a dramatic turn of events, India’s dreams of qualifying for the FIFA World Cup were shattered by a highly contentious goal. Head coach Igor Štimac voiced his outrage after the controversial decision led to India’s narrow defeat in a crucial qualifying match. The goal, which appeared to have been scored from an offside position, sparked widespread controversy and heated debates among fans and analysts.

    Source:- news 18

    Štimac, visibly frustrated, did not hold back in his post-match comments. “This is an injustice,” he declared. “Our players fought valiantly, and to have our World Cup hopes dashed by such a questionable decision is heart-wrenching. The integrity of the game is at stake.”

    Source:- BBC news

    The controversial goal has drawn criticism from various quarters, with many calling for a thorough review of the officiating. Replays and analyses suggest that the referee’s failure to call offside has raised questions about the use of technology and the consistency of officiating standards in critical matches.

    Indian fans, buoyed by their team’s spirited performance, expressed their disappointment and solidarity with the players. The loss has left a deep sense of unfairness and renewed calls for improvements in the oversight and adjudication of the sport, especially in high-stakes qualifiers.

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