Inserting Pakistan into the Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) poll talk is a move that appears counterproductive and disconnected from the primary issue at hand. The focus of the discourse should be on the electoral process within the region itself, rather than bringing in external factors that could complicate or detract from the core objectives of the talks.

    Source:- news 18

    The primary goal of the J&K poll discussions should be to ensure a free, fair, and transparent electoral process that reflects the will of the people in the region. Involving Pakistan in these discussions may not only obscure the immediate electoral concerns but could also create unnecessary diplomatic tensions. The situation in J&K is a complex internal matter, and while Pakistan’s role in regional dynamics is significant, it should not overshadow the urgent need for effective electoral reforms and democratic processes within J&K.

    Source:- BBC news

    Furthermore, the inclusion of Pakistan in the dialogue could lead to a polarization of opinions, potentially undermining the trust and cooperation necessary for successful electoral reforms. It may also shift the narrative from addressing the local governance issues and democratic deficits to a broader geopolitical debate, which could impede progress and resolution.

    It is crucial to maintain focus on local issues, ensuring that the electoral process in J&K is managed effectively and impartially. The region’s political and administrative challenges are best addressed through direct and inclusive discussions with local stakeholders, without the complication of external influences.

    In summary, while Pakistan’s involvement in the broader regional discourse is important, inserting it into the J&K poll talk may detract from the primary objective of ensuring a democratic and transparent electoral process within the region. The discussions should center on local governance issues to achieve meaningful and practical outcomes for the people of J&K.

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