The media arm of the Pakistani military, Inter-Services Public Relations, declared that two Baloch terrorist organisations’ hideouts had been “successfully struck in an intelligence-based operation.” 

    According to the statement, Pakistan’s military forces were always prepared to protect its people from terrorist attacks. The Foreign Office of Pakistan claims that Islamabad has been in contact with Tehran regarding the safe havens that terrorists with Pakistani ancestry have established in Iran, but to no avail.

    Source: The Economic Times

    The attacks mark a new low in the history of Iran-Pakistan ties. Paradoxically, both countries—notorious for providing sanctuary to or aiding terrorist organisations and militias—are feigning sympathy. They are making a valiant effort to persuade the world community to accept their claim that they have committed more sins than against themselves. 

    Pakistan and Iran have certainly been burned by terrorism on occasion, but they must first take care of business at home. Fighting the “snakes in the backyard,” which have begun biting the hand that fed them, requires teamwork. As a worldwide concern, terrorism necessitates a multilateral, multifaceted approach.

    Source: India Today

      The flames of the West Asian crisis are being fanned by the unilateral actions of Islamabad and Tehran. The worse the conflict gets for regional peace and economic development, the more it spreads. In response to the Iranian strikes, India reiterated its “uncompromising position of zero tolerance” toward terrorism while acknowledging that it respects steps taken by nations in self-defence. It should be a priority for New Delhi to categorically denounce terrorism, regardless of the nation funding it. However, it is critical to stress how crucial diplomatic negotiations are to reducing hostilities.

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