According to the state mediau2019s official Telegram channel report , Alidoosti was arrested because she did not provide u2019u2019any documents in line with her claims.u2033 It said that several other Iranian celebrities like footballers, actors and influencers had also u2033been summoned by the judiciary body over publishing provocative content,u2033 and that some had also been arrested. 
    In her post, the 38-year-old actress said: ”His name was Mohsen Shekari. Every international organization who is watching this bloodshed and not taking action, is a disgrace to humanity. Shekari was executed Dec. 9 after being charged by an Iranian court with blocking a street in Tehran and attacking a member of the country’s security forces with a machete. Since September, Alidoosti has openly supported the protesters in at least three posts on her Instagram. Her account, which had some 8 million followers, has been suspended.
     Source :  USA TodayIran has been rocked by protests since the September 16, after the death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini, who died after being detained by the morality police. The protests have since transformed into one of the most serious challenges to Iranu2019s theocracy installed by the 1979 Islamic Revolution. The citizens are more united, more than ever, to bring an end to these extreme laws .At least 495 people have been killed in the protests amid a harsh security crackdown, according to Human Rights Activists in Iran, a group that has been monitoring the protests since they began. Over 18,200 people have been detained by authorities till now.Will the Iran government adhere to the requests made by their citizens or will they keep on silencing them . What do you guys think? Comment.


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