Especially the results related to BJP and congress. BJP because it is a ruling party in the cent and the biggest player in elections. Congress to check whether its national presence is still alive or not. The results of the elections in the two states of Gujarat and Himachal Pradesh teach both the BJP and Congress important lessons.For BJP as each state election results are coming the BJP win in the Lok Sabha elections 2024 is becoming more and more clear well that is obvious but the Lok Sabha win of the BJP would be even greater than previous ones.In Uttar Pradesh BJP got its majority, in Gujarat BJP ruled for 27 years and still got a bigger majority than the previous state election( won 99 in 2017 and 156 in 2022). The win for BJP was predicted by experts but BJP clean sweep with the historic majority. In Himachal Pradesh anti incumbency played its role and BJP lose but BJP’s vote share was just 0.9% short of winning the party Congress. 
    Image credit: Money controlCongress not only get another setback in yet another state but also lost its base to AAP as can be seen in the Gujarat election where congress got just 27.28% to compare just half of what the BJP got in the elections. 
    Congress has strong weapons to use against the BJP in elections, as people are feeling the impact of inflation and fuel price rise in their life, but still couldn’t gain much trust from the public. The good news for Congress they won in Himachal Pradesh but the same story is about to repeat in Himachal as many faces are there in the state for the CM candidate. Himachal congress president Pratibha Singh along with two other candidates is in the race to get the CM post. Congress must be hoping to not let go of another state just because of internal group politics.What do you think readers? Is Congres still an opposition? Will congress be able to hold its majority in Himachal for a long time? And why BJP is not losing even after India is going from big issues like inflation?


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