Adani Realty got the highest bid of Rs 5029 crores against DLF’s Rs 2000 crores. It looks like the Adani Group will move the ball forward finally after 19 long years of delay. It all looks so nice and victorious from the outside, but it is a more challenging and complex process after knowing Dharavi. 
    Dharavi, with around 1 million people living in an area of around 300 football fields and 10 million square feet, has remained in the headlines as the location of the Oscar-winning movie Slum Dog Millionaire, the breeding ground for COVID cases, etc. This project will begin once the Special Purpose Vehicle, which will be a public-private partnership between the government’s Slum Redevelopment Authority (SRH) and Dharavi Redevelopment Authority (DRA), along with the bidder Adani Group, is formed. The partnership will be 80/20. Adani Group will have an 80% stake in the project. 
    Adani Group has a lot of tasks other than redeveloping the infrastructure. As said by the former CEO of the Dharavi Redevelopment Project, whoever wins the project should see it as a rehabilitation project, not a commercial one.
    Source: Times now Firstly, they need to verify the residents, and based on that, they need to decide who will get the residency. The criteria set is that whoever can verify that he was living in Dharavi prior to January 1, 2000, will get a free home of 405 square feet in the new buildings.
    The questions are many. Only time will give the answers.Till then, let’s hope for the best for the people of Dharavi and their new future ahead.


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