A four-day work week enables employees to have a longer weekend without any reduction in pay. Sounds too good to be true, right?
    How will it affect the revenue and the economy? Well, research has shown positive results in the productivity of employees who have a four-day work week while keeping the revenue intact. The employees, while working 32 hours a week, get paid for five days, which improves their overall quality of life and job satisfaction. This initiative has also considerably reduced absenteeism and employee turnover. People are even ready to work in the office and ditch WFH.As working hours decrease, so does the amount of redundant activities.An employee focuses more on getting the job done than idling away the extra time with unproductive stuff. It is also projected that this could also reduce the overall carbon footprint as there will be a gradual decrease in commute hours, thus lessening pollution from vehicles.
     source : the conversation With this surge in employee productivity, the output produced will be qualitative.Many other countries, like Japan, Scotland, New Zealand, Ireland, and Belgium, have experimented in this regard and found this working model highly effective and appealing.As for India, people here love to overwork themselves without catching a break, leading to frequent burnout. The work one does is taken to be directly proportional to the output they are producing, which is not necessarily true. Overworking is as bad for one’s mental health as physical health.People here believe that reducing the number of hours worked will have an impact on an enterprise’s productivity and revenue generation capacity. Even if a four-day work week is adopted in India, the number of working hours is not to be reduced, meaning people will have to work 12 hours a day for four days. This is not very practical, as manufacturing industries would not adopt such a practice. It has a chance of working in the service sector, but that doesn’t sound very promising.So, could India adopt the four-hour work week and go from TGIF to TGITu2014Thank God It’s Thursday. Only time will tell.What do you think is the future of this work culture in India ?


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