Janhvi Kapoor, daughter of the late legendary actress Sridevi, recently experienced a panic attack following an emotional tribute to her mother on a reality show. The tribute, which took place during the filming of a popular television program, was a poignant reminder of Sridevi’s immense impact on the Indian film industry and her sudden, tragic death in 2018.

    Source:- India today

    During the segment, clips of Sridevi’s most iconic performances were played, alongside heartfelt messages from colleagues and fans. The atmosphere was charged with emotion, as the tribute highlighted Sridevi’s remarkable career and her influence as a trailblazer for women in Indian cinema. Janhvi, who was present on the show, was visibly moved as she watched the tribute, struggling to hold back tears.

    Source:- BBC news

    As the tribute concluded, Janhvi’s emotions overwhelmed her, leading to a panic attack. The young actress, who has often spoken about her deep bond with her mother and the profound loss she feels, found the tribute both touching and distressing. Crew members and fellow cast members immediately rushed to her side to offer support and comfort.

    Janhvi Kapoor has previously opened up about her struggles with anxiety and the pressure of living up to her mother’s legacy. Despite these challenges, she has made a name for herself in the industry with notable performances in films like “Dhadak” and “Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl.”

    The incident highlights the intense emotional and psychological toll that the pressures of fame and personal loss can take on individuals, particularly those in the public eye. Fans and supporters of Janhvi Kapoor have since taken to social media to express their concern and offer words of encouragement, reminding her to take care of her mental health and to cherish the memories of her mother while forging her own path in the industry.

    This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of mental health awareness and the need for compassion and support for those dealing with personal grief and public expectations.

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