Janhvi Kapoor was sighted at Mumbai airport on Saturday afternoon, shortly before the trailer release event for her new movie, Mili.Janhvi Kapoor was sighted rushing through the Mumbai airport just hours before the release of her new trailer, Mili. The actor was hurrying home to prepare for the event. A tired Janhvi, dressed in a white tee, pyjamas, and sunglasses, told the paparazzi, trailer launch to aaj hai, isliye thak thak ke, mar mar ke aai hu (the trailer release is today, which is why I came in such a rush).Janhvi also questioned the paps if they would be attending the trailer launch as well. After a brief conversation with them, she sat in the car. She’s really working tirelessly…, a fan made a comment on a video posted by a paparazzi’s Instagram account, u201cShe’s really working tirelessly… I really hope her hard work pays off.u201dMili is a survivorship thriller that will be released in theatres on November 4th. The film is a remake of Mathukutty Xavier’s 2019 Malayalam hit Helen, directed by National Honoree Mathukutty Xavier. This is Janhvi’s 1st movie with her father, producer Boney Kapoor. Manoj Pahwa and Sunny Kaushal also appear in it.Janhvi recently posted the film’s first-look poster, which introduces her titular character as a BSc Nursing grad student.Watch the trailer here:-
    In 1 hour her life is going to change… #Mili, Janhvi titled the picture on Instagram. She captioned, frozen but not shaken, after sharing another poster of herself looking frightened and shivering in the cold.Last year, the actor completed the film’s production. She shared some behind-the-scenes photos as well as a note for the cast and crew and Boney Kapoor to confirm the film’s completion.She stated, It’s a wrap! #Milli My first film with papa, of whom I’ve only heard stories of all my life as a producer. But after working with you, it feels so cool to say that!! I finally know what everyone means when they say you give your heart and soul to each film you take up. That isn’t the only reason this film is so special to me- it’s been the most inspiring journey to work with someone so completely consumed by his focus and love for cinema-like @mathukuttyxavier sir.Are you all excited for the film? Comment below.


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