Jitendra Kumar, the versatile actor known for his compelling performance in the web series “Panchayat,” recently addressed comparisons between his role in the series and Shah Rukh Khan’s iconic role in the film “Swades.” Both characters, Abhishek Tripathi in “Panchayat” and Mohan Bhargava in “Swades,” navigate the complexities of rural India, striving to make a difference in the lives of the people they encounter.

    Source:- india today

    In “Panchayat,” Jitendra plays Abhishek, a young engineering graduate who reluctantly takes up a job as a secretary in a remote village panchayat office. The series, known for its realistic portrayal of rural life, has been praised for its humor, authenticity, and relatable characters. Similarly, in “Swades,” Shah Rukh Khan’s character Mohan Bhargava, a NASA scientist, returns to India and works to improve the living conditions in a small village, ultimately finding a sense of purpose and belonging.

    Source:- BBC news

    Jitendra Kumar has expressed his admiration for Shah Rukh Khan and “Swades,” acknowledging the influence the film has had on audiences and its relevance in highlighting social issues. However, he is keen to emphasize that while the themes of both works may overlap, the characters and their journeys are distinct. In an interview, Jitendra said, “Shah Rukh Khan’s portrayal in ‘Swades’ is legendary and has inspired many, including myself. But Abhishek Tripathi is a different individual with his own set of challenges and growth trajectory.”

    Kumar further elaborated on the differences, noting that Abhishek’s journey is marked by his initial reluctance and gradual acceptance of his role in the village, whereas Mohan Bhargava’s story is driven by a sense of mission and a deeper connection to his roots from the outset. He appreciates the comparisons as a compliment but believes each character should be viewed within the context of their respective stories.

    Jitendra’s performance in “Panchayat” has resonated with viewers, bringing attention to the often overlooked lives of rural India with a blend of humor and sincerity. As he continues to carve out his niche in the entertainment industry, Jitendra remains humble and focused on delivering authentic and impactful performances, much like his portrayal in “Panchayat.”

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