Ever since the inaugural debate between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, which was viewed by over 70 million people, these in-person meetings on television have the power to swing elections. The US presidential election is currently being observed globally due to its potential to affect the future of the entire planet. In these interactions, American voters assess candidates not just on the policies they intend to propose but also on their appearance, voice, awkward moments, and nonverbal cues. 

    President Joe Biden, the current nominee, seems to have already lost the race based on these indicators. The Democratic Party is in such a panic that 81-year-old Joe Biden spoke haltingly, was hard to hear, and at times appeared to be at a loss for words. Biden’s backing of Israel’s attack on Gaza was not as prominent in the debate as the issues of the economy, immigration, and Russia were. 

    Source: Business Recorder

    Throughout the entire debate, his opponent, the 77-year-old Donald Trump, a former president and convicted felon, spread lies, even alleging pro-abortionists wanted to “kill babies” in the eighth or ninth month of pregnancy and even after they were born. Recent opinion surveys revealed that neither Biden nor Trump had left an impression on voters. 

    However, Biden, who appeared perplexed and unwilling to challenge his opponent on the facts, focused on his age, a topic of significant discussion throughout the last year when he announced his intention to seek a second term, making Trump appear to be the winner by default. This is the US presidential debate’s tyranny. It has the power to sway votes, change the opinions of undecided people, and turn ardent supporters of one party against their chosen candidate. 

    Source: Bloomberg Television

    Following the party conventions, where the party formally nominates its presidential candidate, there are typically three or four debates. The Democratic convention is scheduled for late August, while the Republican convention is scheduled for mid-July. In an attempt to shift the conversation away from Trump’s age and emphasise his convictions, Biden agreed to move the debate forward, making it the earliest one ever. 

    Rather, a completely other issue that surfaced during the first debate of the US election is the demand that Biden resign in order to create room for a more qualified Democrat who might receive a party convention nomination. That may not occur, but if it does, a number of candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris, might enter the race. What happens next interests the rest of the globe just as much as the typical US voter, if not more.

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