In recent developments, Kangana Ranaut has accused Rajat Sharma of conspiring with Karan Johar against her. In a heated statement, Kangana claimed that Sharma, a prominent television host and journalist, is involved in a plot to tarnish her reputation, alleging that the conspiracy is part of a broader scheme orchestrated by Johar, a well-known Bollywood filmmaker.

    Source:- news 18

    Kangana’s accusations are rooted in a series of media appearances and interviews where she has openly criticized the Bollywood industry and its leading figures. She has often accused Johar of perpetuating nepotism and undermining talented outsiders. According to Kangana, Sharma’s involvement in this alleged conspiracy is an extension of Johar’s efforts to discredit her, given Sharma’s prominent platform and influence.

    Source:- BBC news

    Rajat Sharma, known for his show Aap Ki Adaalat, has been a significant figure in Indian media, and Kangana’s allegations bring an intense focus to the relationship between media personalities and the film industry. Sharma has yet to respond publicly to these accusations, but the claims have sparked a broader debate about the influence of media and industry insiders in shaping public perceptions of celebrities.


    Kangana’s remarks have intensified the ongoing discourse about the dynamics of power and influence in Bollywood, especially concerning how public figures are portrayed and the impact of such portrayals on their careers. The allegations highlight the complexities of the interactions between media, industry moguls, and actors, raising questions about the role of media in celebrity politics and the authenticity of public discourse.

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