In a clip shared by Sony TV, Rakesh said, u201cIn Karan Arjun, Ajay Devgn was there in Salmanu2019s role and at that time the filmu2019s name was Kainaat, which had Shah Rukh and Ajay. For some reason, Ajay couldnu2019t do the film.u201d
Source: MSNIn Karan Arjun, Salman Khan played the role of Karan, while Shah Rukh played the role of Arjun. The story revolved around the rebirth of two brothers, who get brutally murdered and come back to seek vengeance in their next life.
Rakesh Roshanu2019s last directorial was the 2013 film Krrish 3, starring Hrithik Roshan. The fourth part of the franchise is still in its preproduction stage. A few months ago, Hrithik Roshan confirmed that Krrish 4 has not been shelved, however, he said that the production was stuck on a small but important technicality.
Source: Lehren DiariesIn an interview with Pinkvilla, Hrithik said, u201cI think, we should all get together and send out a little prayer. Everything is set (about Krrish 4) but we are stuck on one little technicality. Hopefully, we will overcome that by year’s end. Krrish 4 is definitely in the pipeline and it will happen real soon.u201d
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