The actor-turned-politician, who remained a neutral MP till now, also said the decision was taken in view of the stability given to India and the reputation India earned across the globe under the leadership of Modi.Sumalatha, who represents the Mandya constituency in the Lok Sabha, also promised that so long as she is in politics, her son Abhishek will never venture into politics, for she is against the dynastic politics. After consulting my well-wishers and supporters, I have arrived at a decision. On this day, I am extending my full support to Narendra Modi government at the Centre, the wife of iconic Kannada actor late Ambareesh said in a press conference here. She said after four years as an independent MP and facing numerous challenges, especially obstacles in holding public meetings, she realized that she needed support.People can draw their conclusions but I have faith in the leadership of Narendra Modi, who is admired across the globe, Sumalatha said. She also said it is an honor for Mandya that the Prime Minister of the country was visiting the district to inaugurate the expressway.
    The Prime Minister could have chosen to inaugurate it either in Mysuru or Bengaluru but he opted for Mandya, which shows the importance of the district, the MP said. The MP clarified that the move is aimed at the overall development of Mandya, which according to her, is suffering from a vitiated atmosphere. In an apparent attack on the JD(S), Sumalatha slammed those who have turned Mandya into their political citadel and did nothing for the district.
    There is a need for change in Mandya. A vitiated atmosphere has been created here. Let’s carry out a ‘Swachch Bharat Mission’ here in Mandya first, Sumalatha said.
    The decision came just two days before Modi’s visit to the district. The BJP had backed the MP during the Lok Sabha election in 2019, which resulted in her victory in defeating the sitting Chief Minister H D Kumaraswamy’s son Nikhil. Sumalatha was in touch with the BJP leadership for almost a year and for the past few days, there were several rounds of talks with her.
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