Members of the Kargil Democratic Alliance and the Leh Apex Body have decided to postpone their planned hunger strike in response to this development. To talk about the demands, a subcommittee has been established.

    After Article 370 was revoked and the former state of Jammu and Kashmir was split on August 5, 2019, Ladakh became a Union Territory. Ladakh lacks a Legislative Assembly, although the UT of J&K does. There used to be four Ladakh representatives in the former J&K Assembly. Ladakh currently has one Lok Sabha constituency; there is a demand for it to have two. 

    Source: Tribune India

    As of September 2019, the Kargil and Leh districts of Ladakh are primarily a tribal area, as stated by the National Commission for Scheduled Tribes. In addition to protecting agrarian rights, the Commission had suggested that the UT be placed under the Sixth Schedule to enable democratic devolution of powers and preserve the unique culture of the area.This Schedule now covers tribal territories in Mizoram, Tripura, Assam, and Meghalaya.

    The Centre’s claim that it is giving Ladakh the utmost importance and attention after decades of neglect by past governments has been called into question by the recent rallies in support of the demands. 

    Source: India Today

    The Union Government must take the complaints of the Ladakhi people seriously, as they also seek sufficient employment possibilities. It is imperative to meet the ambitions of local citizens in light of the strategic importance of the region. They serve as the Indian soldiers’ eyes and ears when they are stationed near the Line of Actual Control, after all. It is hoped that the current negotiations will open the door for Ladakh to become a state and be added to the Sixth Schedule.

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