The study found that peer impact is crucial during the adolescent years and that adolescents who have more smoking friends are more likely to develop a smoking habit themselves. According to the survey, 68% of current smokers believe that smoking results in weight reduction.
    Source: Chemist 4 U
    Similarly, 32% of smokers reported that they just de-stressed by smoking a cigarette because they were unable to handle the tension and unwanted strain on their minds. The fact that 92% of current smokers are well aware that tobacco usage in any form, including smoking cigarettes, increases the risk of cancer is astounding. Why do they continue to practise this deadly habit? because they are unable to escape this situation.
    Psychologists claim that the majority of addicts are relatively immature and have insecure personalities. Due to different psychogenic issues individuals experience, particularly those from their personal family, they generally lack confidence.

    Source: TED-Ed
    A thorough study conducted by behavioural experts in the US demonstrates the efficacy of meditation as an addiction treatment method. It was shown that individuals who learned meditation had reduced rates of recurrence and better post-release results than those who just got traditional recovery therapies. In light of this, it would not be difficult to acknowledge the usefulness of meditation for quitting smoking and to include meditation theory and practise as a subject in our educational system. There may be many people who wonder why meditation is beneficial.
    Because it has been demonstrated to reorganise key brain circuits, enhancing a person’s self-awareness and enabling them to focus on many things at once. Remember. Making a rational and healthy decision on whether to smoke a cigarette or visit a meditation facility may require some time of mental calmness.
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