Manoj Jha, a prominent Indian politician and member of the Rajya Sabha, has voiced strong opposition to the “One Nation, One Election” proposal, arguing that it threatens the essence of Indian democracy. This proposal suggests synchronizing national, state, and local elections into a single election cycle, aiming to streamline electoral processes and reduce costs.

    Source:- bbc news

    Jha’s critique centers on the potential erosion of democratic values and the undermining of voter influence. He argues that the current multi-tiered election system allows for regular, localized engagement between voters and their representatives. By holding elections at various levels, voters have frequent opportunities to express their views and hold their leaders accountable. This continuous engagement is fundamental to a responsive and vibrant democracy.

    Source:- news 18

    The “One Nation, One Election” proposal, according to Jha, could diminish this engagement. With elections consolidated into a single, nationwide event, the focus might shift from local issues to broader, national concerns. This could lead to a scenario where regional and state-specific issues receive less attention, potentially sidelining the diverse needs and voices of different communities.

    Moreover, Jha highlights that the proposal could disproportionately benefit larger, national parties at the expense of smaller, regional ones. The logistical and financial advantages of a single election could give major parties a significant edge, undermining the level playing field that multiple, staggered elections currently provide.

    Jha’s concerns emphasize that while streamlining elections might offer administrative benefits, it also risks weakening the connection between voters and their representatives. In a diverse democracy like India’s, maintaining a robust, multi-layered electoral system is crucial for ensuring that all voices are heard and that leaders remain accountable to the people they serve.



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