The Supreme Court, seeing the situation in a dire light, has demanded that manual scavenging be completely eliminated. That must be the objective. The Supreme Court has reminded the Center and states that the fight is about human dignity. 
    Source: Namma KPSC
    The authority to supervise cases involving fatalities has been granted to the high courts. Agencies within the government have been told to work together to stop these catastrophic events.Given the actual situation, that is a difficult request. In addition to a significant push for infrastructure, a mental shift is necessary.
    Large-scale cleanup tasks are now frequently completed using jetting and sucking devices. The dearth of safety gear and technological tools for cleaning sewers in lanes and gullies is the issue. Investing heavily in the newest equipment is essential. 
    A sizable subsidy would be required for domestic goods. If employees of public agencies and private contractors are not required to utilise contemporary tools, the simple solution is still to have them crawl under manholes or septic tanks. Sometimes clearing the drains requires human assistance. When protective gear is lacking, the dangers increase significantly.

    Source: Live Law
    To provide consistency in financial reparations throughout the states, the supreme court has mandated the distribution of Rs 30 lakh to the relatives of individuals who pass away while maintaining sewers. Permanently disabled individuals would receive at least Rs 20 lakh in compensation. These actions are required to safeguard these workers’ rights. However, as the Bench stated, upholding the constitutional guarantee of everyone’s dignity is crucial. Scavenging by hand is a disgrace to the country. Recognition of this uncomfortable fact opens the door to progress.  
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