Elections for the 182-member Gujarat Assembly will be held in two phases on December 1 and 5 and the counting of votes will be taken up on December 8.As Gujarat election has no more limited to two party, Aam Aadmi party has also entered into the arena. Due to which the politics game is getting intensify more and more. The Aam Aadmi Party candidate for Surat (East) went missing on Tuesday, only to resurface on Wednesday and announce that he was withdrawing his nomination.State AAP president Gopal Italia alleged that Jariwala had gone missing and was allegedly taken to an undisclosed location by the BJP goons who put pressure on him to stay away from the election. AAP’s Gujarat co-incharge Raghav said the party has informed the Chief Electoral Officer about it, and a written complaint will be submitted. In reaction BJP president Niranjan Zanzmera refuted the allegations and said the AAP should instead take care of its own house.Do you think BJP was behind the abduction? Well in real when new party got into some state politics, it takes time for people to get fimiliar with the party. As Example we saw BJP get defeated in West Bengal even after they won majority seats in Lok Sabha elections in 2019.


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