Kejriwal’s criticism is rooted in his perception that the Modi government’s actions against corruption lack substantive impact and are driven more by political posturing than genuine intent. He argues that despite the rhetoric and promises, there is limited progress in curbing corruption at various levels of governance.
    Source:- the hinduOne of the key points of contention is the government’s handling of high-profile corruption cases. Kejriwal has accused the government of using these cases as political tools rather than pursuing them diligently. He believes that such cases often fade away or result in inadequate consequences for those involved.
    Source:- india todayAdditionally, Kejriwal has raised concerns about the opacity surrounding political funding. He alleges that the BJP and other major parties continue to receive substantial amounts of unaccounted-for donations, which he claims undermines the integrity of the political system.
    Moreover, Kejriwal’s skepticism extends to the functioning of anti-corruption agencies, which he believes are not given the autonomy and resources needed to effectively tackle corruption.
    In conclusion, Arvind Kejriwal’s characterization of the Modi government’s fight against corruption as ‘nautanki’ reflects his belief that the government’s efforts are more showmanship than substance. He remains a vocal critic of the government’s approach, emphasizing the need for genuine and comprehensive measures to combat corruption effectively
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