Sona, the upscale Indian restaurant in New York co-founded by actress Priyanka Chopra, announced it is shutting down. This closure comes just months after Chopra’s departure from her role in the venture. Sona, which opened in 2021 in the Flatiron District, quickly gained attention for its contemporary take on Indian cuisine and its stylish decor. Despite initial success and a strong following, the restaurant faced challenges that eventually led to its closure.

    Source:- news 18

    In April 2023, Priyanka Chopra stepped away from her involvement with Sona to focus on her expanding career and personal ventures. At the time, she expressed pride in the establishment but noted the need to reprioritize her commitments. Following her exit, the restaurant’s future became uncertain. Sona’s co-founder, Maneesh Goyal, expressed gratitude to patrons and staff for their support and dedication.

    Source:- BBC news

    The announcement was met with disappointment from fans and food enthusiasts who praised Sona for its innovative menu and vibrant atmosphere. Goyal hinted at future projects but did not disclose specific plans. Sona’s closure marks the end of a notable chapter in New York’s dining scene, leaving a lasting impression on its patrons.

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