Mukesh Khanna, best known for his portrayal of Shaktimaan, recently sparked outrage after issuing a half-hearted apology to actress Sonakshi Sinha amidst a controversy surrounding the Ramayana series. The issue arose when Khanna made disparaging remarks about Sonakshi Sinha’s participation in the Ramayana row, which led to a public backlash.

    Source:- bbc news

    Khanna had criticized Sonakshi for her involvement in a discussion related to the Ramayana, where she allegedly expressed her views on the mythology in a way that some considered disrespectful. His comments, seen as harsh, led to calls for an apology from the actor. In response, Khanna issued a statement, but many found it to be insincere and lacking genuine remorse. His apology, while acknowledging the situation, came across as more of a defensive remark rather than an earnest expression of regret.

    Source:- news 18

    Fans and social media users were quick to express their disapproval, with many calling out Khanna for not taking full responsibility for his words. The phrase “Not so ‘Sorry Shaktimaan’” began trending, as many felt that his apology was far from the level of accountability one would expect from a public figure.

    Critics pointed out that Khanna, who once embodied the superhero Shaktimaan on television, failed to show the same level of integrity and strength in addressing the controversy. The half-hearted apology raised questions about accountability in the entertainment industry, with many pointing out that public figures should take greater care in their words, especially when they hold influence over fans and the general public.

    The incident has sparked an ongoing debate about the responsibility of celebrities when it comes to handling sensitive issues in the public eye.

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