On Wednesday, Elon Musk changed his Twitter account to Mr. Tweet, confusing millions of his followers. The Twitter CEO, though, soon came to regret his choice. Musk ended his statement with a laughing emoji and added, Changed my name to Mr. Tweet, and now Twitter won’t let me change it back. This reportedly occurs after Musk was referred to as Mr. Tweet in one of the court cases. The mistake was referred to as a Freudian slip by the lawyer Nicholas Porritt, but Musk quipped that it was probably an appropriate description.
    This oversight occurred at a trial initiated by Tesla shareholders who accused Musk of securities fraud in a tweet in which he announced his intention to take Tesla private. When Musk tweeted in 2018 that he was considering taking Tesla private at $420 per share and then confirmed that financing secured, the shareholders claimed that he was improperly influencing the price of Tesla’s stock.
    Video Courtesy: Internet Today
    After being sued by landlords in San Francisco and London for failing to pay rent on its offices, Musk’s Twitter is also embroiled in legal trouble at the moment. The refusal to pay rent is thought to be a result of cost-cutting measures put in place after the billionaire gained control of the social media behemoth.
    The King Charles III estate’s land is managed by the London-based Crown Estate, which last week brought a lawsuit to the city’s High Court. Office space near Piccadilly Circus is the subject of the purported unpaid rent. Following Twitter’s failure to make its most recent monthly rent payment of $3.4 million for January, the company’s San Francisco landlord also filed a lawsuit.
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