The security treaty in question, the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), was signed between the United States and the Soviet Union in 1987 during the Cold War era. The INF Treaty aimed to eliminate land-based intermediate-range missiles, thereby reducing the risk of nuclear conflict in Europe. However, recent actions by Russia have led to NATO’s decision to suspend the treaty.
    Source:- the times of india
    Russia’s withdrawal from the INF Treaty occurred amid a series of rising tensions between Moscow and the West. The Russian government cited the United States’ alleged violations of the treaty as a reason for their exit. This exit has raised concerns about the re-emergence of nuclear threats in Europe, echoing the fears of the Cold War era.
    Source:-dw newsNATO’s formal suspension of the INF Treaty is seen as a response to Russia’s actions and a commitment to protecting the security of its member states. The alliance has expressed concern about Russia’s development and deployment of new intermediate-range missiles, which were prohibited by the INF Treaty. The suspension of the treaty allows NATO member states to take necessary measures to safeguard their security in the face of this emerging threat.
    The international community is closely watching the developments following NATO’s announcement. The situation could have far-reaching consequences for global security and arms control efforts. Diplomatic efforts to address the issues surrounding the INF Treaty are expected to continue, as leaders seek to avoid a return to the tense nuclear standoffs of the Cold War.
    In conclusion, NATO’s formal suspension of the INF Treaty underscores the complex challenges in maintaining international security agreements in an evolving geopolitical landscape. The fallout from this decision will require diplomatic efforts and international cooperation to ensure a stable and secure future.
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