Neha Dixit’s research on gender and the informal economy sheds light on the often-overlooked realities faced by women engaged in informal work. Her work emphasizes that while informal labor contributes significantly to economic activity, it remains largely invisible and undervalued, particularly in the context of gender.

    Source:- news 18

    Dixit highlights that women are disproportionately represented in the informal sector, where they engage in work such as domestic chores, caregiving, and small-scale trade. This sector is characterized by job insecurity, low wages, and lack of formal labor rights and benefits. The invisibility of this work stems from its private or unregulated nature, which excludes it from the purview of official economic statistics and policy interventions.

    Source:- BBC news

    A critical aspect of Dixit’s analysis is the intersection of gender with the informal economy. Women’s work is often perceived as less valuable because it is predominantly unpaid or underpaid, reflecting deep-seated gender biases that devalue women’s contributions. Dixit argues that this devaluation is not just an economic issue but also a social one, reflecting broader patterns of gender inequality and societal expectations.

    Furthermore, Dixit explores the implications of this invisibility on women’s empowerment and economic security. The lack of recognition and protection for informal workers leaves women vulnerable to exploitation and limits their opportunities for advancement. This situation necessitates policy reforms that include informal workers in social safety nets and ensure fair compensation and working conditions.


    In conclusion, Neha Dixit’s work underscores the urgent need to address the gendered dimensions of the informal economy. By bringing attention to the invisible work of women, Dixit calls for a more inclusive and equitable approach to economic policy that recognizes and values the contributions of all workers, regardless of their sector.

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