What is neuralink by Elon Musk, and how can an electronic chip embedded in your brain make movements possible?
    Your brain is a complex organ that controls your thoughts, touch, motor vision, and so on; however, what if the motor neurons or brain signals do not carry the necessary messages to the rest of the body in order for a muscle to move?Paralysis is an example of the above-mentioned condition, where a person loses the ability to move some or all of their body because of brain-to-spinal cord-to-muscle pathway damage.Hence, the primary purpose of this invention is to cure neurological disorders by enabling or restoring the physical mobility of a disabled person.
    u00a0source : mashable India What is a Neaura link?NEAURALINK was first founded in July 2016 by SpaceX owner and business magnate Elon Musk.It is a brain chip interface, which is neuroprosthetic, fully implantable, battery-powered, and wireless, that can be implanted by surgical robots within the human skull without any general anaesthesia or post-surgery bleeding, in order to record the brain signals and patterns produced by the entity in a computer device while doing a particular course of action.As a result, the person will be able to move or make the object work in a particular way just by producing signals in the brain!How does neuralink work?Neurons are directly wired to muscles, so when the motor neuron is damaged, the signals don’t reach the particular muscle to perform movements. Thus, this tiny chip containing a thread is fitted into the brain in order to read those brain messages produced in the dendrites, which are then passed through axons to the synapses present in the neuron in order to allow the message to reach the desired muscle.The process of implantation will be conducted by a surgical robot by implanting the thread that is thinner than a human hair by drilling a hole in the skull and placing it right into the motor cortex area of the skull without penetrating the blood vessels.This thread will take signals from the neuron, and those signals will reach the processor, where they will be converted into digital messages and sent to a pod that is placed around your ear.Is it safe for humans to use?The Neuralink team has successfully tested the device on animals such as pigs and monkeys. For instance,An experiment was conducted on PAGER (a Rhesus macaque), which is the closest species to the human subjects DNA-wise.where he had a chip implanted in his brain and was rewarded with banana juice if he could play ping with a joystick!He was able to play the game without using a joystick because of the installed Neurallink chip.The FDA, the food and drug administration agency within the US Department of Health and Human Services, has approved the human trials. And it is expected that the company will start human trials within 6 monthsNo matter how advanced the sciences become, proper application is required; otherwise, destruction is unavoidable.


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