Prime Minister Narendra Modi reflected on the many happy and sad memories of the ancient Parliament House on the first day of the special session, which was held there on Monday. He claimed in his address that despite disagreements and conflicts, there was a sense of family or Parivar Bhaav.
Source: The Hindu Business Line
Regardless of ideological stances, that sense of belonging to a national community is rapidly dwindling. Although a breakdown in trust between the administration and the opposition is not exceptional, the ongoing animosity and disregard for customary courtesies most certainly are. Any erosion of the traditions and practices that have created the principles of our parliamentary system should raise red flags.
Every person would place writing a new chapter in the behavior of our MPs high on their list of desires. Every political party should be concerned about the decline in public confidence in Parliament’s ability to conduct itself normally and effectively.
A disturbing sign is when a portion of the population begins to dislike a cherished institution. Conflictive situations and the trivialization of subjects that call for thoughtful arguments are useless. No citizen should be disappointed. The government must fight any potential erosion of the institution’s standing, which would undermine everything the new structure aspires to stand for. As a matter of policy, it cannot be construed as giving the opposition the cold shoulder.
Source: India Today
The Women’s Reservation Bill may pass the special session, according to rumors. The need for more political space for women is strong, but simply physical presence wouldn’t make much of a difference. They must sound convincing. When substance and optics mix, the latter must win out. The actual change would occur then.
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