Nirbhaya’s mother, Asha Devi, has strongly criticized West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over her handling of the recent Kolkata doctor rape case. Expressing her deep disappointment and anger, Asha Devi stated that Banerjee has failed to manage the situation effectively, which has led to widespread outrage and protests. According to Asha Devi, the Chief Minister’s response to the incident has been inadequate, and she has called for Banerjee to step down from her position.

    Source:- news 18

    The rape case in question involves a young doctor who was brutally assaulted in Kolkata, sparking a massive public outcry. The incident has raised serious concerns about the safety of women in the state and the overall law and order situation under Mamata Banerjee’s administration. Asha Devi, who has been a vocal advocate for justice and women’s safety since the tragic gang rape of her daughter Nirbhaya in Delhi in 2012, did not mince her words in her criticism of the West Bengal government.

    Source:- BBC news

    She pointed out that despite repeated assurances of safety, women continue to face such horrific crimes, and the government’s inability to protect them is unacceptable. Asha Devi emphasized that as the leader of the state, Mamata Banerjee should have taken immediate and decisive action to address the situation and ensure that justice is served. However, according to Asha Devi, the Chief Minister’s response has been insufficient, and this failure warrants her resignation.


    Asha Devi’s statements resonate with many across the country, who feel that strong leadership and swift action are needed to tackle the rising instances of violence against women. Her call for Mamata Banerjee’s resignation underscores the growing frustration among the public over the handling of such sensitive and critical issues.

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