Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik recently reached out to West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, addressing concerns over the potato supply in Odisha. In a telephonic conversation, Patnaik urged Banerjee to facilitate an improved and more consistent supply of potatoes from West Bengal to Odisha.

    Source:- news 18

    The dialogue was prompted by the recent scarcity of potatoes in Odisha, which has led to an increase in prices and concerns among consumers and local businesses. Patnaik emphasized the need for timely and adequate distribution to ensure that the market remains stable and prices do not escalate further.

    Source:- BBC news

    Banerjee acknowledged the concerns raised by Patnaik and assured him of her commitment to addressing the supply issues. She expressed her willingness to work closely with Odisha to resolve the matter efficiently. Banerjee suggested exploring options to streamline the supply chain and improve logistics to enhance the flow of potatoes between the states.

    Both leaders agreed on the importance of maintaining cooperative interstate relations to address such issues effectively. Patnaik’s proactive approach highlights his administration’s efforts to safeguard consumer interests and stabilize market conditions. The conversation also underscores the collaborative spirit between the two states, aiming for mutual benefit and effective problem-solving.

    Patnaik and Banerjee’s discussion reflects the broader strategy of ensuring food security and price stability through inter-state cooperation. As both states work towards resolving the potato supply issue, the focus remains on maintaining steady availability and reasonable pricing for consumers across Odisha.

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