In the midst of commotion and delays surrounding the vote counting and winner announcement, Nawaz unexpectedly lost the Mansehra seat to Shahzada Khan, who was backed by the PTI. 

    But in order to secure the Lahore seat, he overcame Yasmin Rashid, another independent candidate. Following their exclusion from using the party symbol—the cricket bat—during the contentious nationwide mobile phone blackout on February 8, PTI members filed as independents. 

    Source: AI Jazeera

    Despite being prohibited from running for office due to his conviction and punishment in several cases, Imran, the founding chairman of the PTI and a former cricket player turned politician, has left his mark on the election, according to the preliminary results. Even after being removed from office as PM in 2022, Imran is still a well-liked leader. 

    Numerous regions of the nation experienced unrest following his detention in May of last year; demonstrators even attacked military sites, such as the army headquarters in Rawalpindi. The Pakistani military, which had supported the Sharif’s and made great efforts to keep Imran out of the election, has suffered a blow as a result of the PTI’s victory. 

    Source: First Post

    Imran’s party, which is confident of forming the government at the centre, has ruled out forming an alliance with the Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and the PML-N, its two main competitors. Ishaq Dar, the leader of the PML-N, has stated that some independent candidates who won have gotten in touch with his party. The troubled nation, which is hoping for a strong and stable government to get it out of a protracted economic crisis, has entered an intriguing power struggle.

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