The six-person committee, to be chaired by the Cabinet Secretary, will propose policies to guarantee that the LGBTQ community is not subjected to prejudice while obtaining social services, goods and services, or is threatened with violence, among other things. 

    It adheres to the ruling made by the Supreme Court during its hearing of the same-sex marriage petition in October of last year. The administration committed to implementing steps aimed at safeguarding the community’s rights. After a six-month delay, the government finally formed the committee at the same time that the model code of conduct went into effect.Alternatively, it might have been a reaction to the Congress’s election campaign pledge to introduce legislation recognising gay civil partnerships.

    Source: The Financial Express

    The Congress also refrained from committing to acknowledge gay marriages. The government committee’s terms of purpose do not make mention of acknowledging queer unions or couples. It will investigate safeguards against forced medical procedures and treatments for LGBTQ+ individuals, including mental health modules. 

    It has been instructed to address any matters that it may think appropriate. If it is thought necessary, it can also co-opt additional officers and experts. The decision to allow same-sex weddings was rejected by the Supreme Court, which left it up to state and federal governments to make.After stating that it would consider the issue, the Congress has recently announced that it will recognise civil unions. 

    Source: Drishti IAS: English

    The government had been adamantly against same-sex marriage legalisation. However, the government was instructed by the court to make sure same-sex couples were not denied their civic, social, or economic rights. These included the right to be regarded as next of kin for medical procedures and in circumstances such as funerals, as well as the right to have LGBT partners treated as family when filing for ration cards and other services and opening joint bank accounts. 

    There is still much to be done. In every field, discrimination against gay people is pervasive.The committee ought to have the authority to advance its welfare and rights plan. The committee’s creation might be a sign that the administration recognises the LGBTQ community’s political significance. It ought to result in appropriate decisions and actions.

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