The remark in question was reportedly made by a BJP MP who suggested that the word India should be replaced with Bharat in the Constitution. This proposal has raised concerns among opposition parties, including the Congress, who view it as an attempt to tamper with the fundamental principles of the country’s identity and its constitutional framework.

    In response to the controversial statement, the Congress party has taken a strong stance, accusing Prime Minister Modi of being disturbed by the political fallout of such a proposal. They have asserted that such remarks by BJP members are not isolated incidents but reflect a broader ideological agenda that undermines the foundational values enshrined in the Constitution.Source:- open magazine
    The Constitution of India is the supreme legal document that governs the country and outlines its fundamental rights, principles, and governance structure. Any attempts to alter its core provisions, including changing the country’s name, are seen as contentious and raise concerns about the ruling party’s intentions.
    Source:- India tv
    The debate over the proposed change has brought to the forefront the ideological differences between the Congress and the BJP. The Congress party advocates for preserving India’s secular and diverse identity, emphasizing unity in diversity, while the BJP has often promoted a more assertive Indian identity rooted in cultural nationalism.
    As the situation unfolds, it remains to be seen how the government and the BJP leadership will respond to the controversy. The episode has reignited discussions on preserving the democratic and pluralistic values of the Indian Constitution and ensuring that any proposed changes are done with broad consensus and respect for the country’s diverse heritage.
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