Modi’s endorsement of the Gita Press came in response to recent criticism from the Congress, which questioned the organization’s role and its influence on the Indian populace. In a fervent retort, the Prime Minister lauded the institution, stating that it holds an esteemed place in the hearts of millions and plays a vital role in promoting spiritual teachings.

    Source: The Indian Express
    Drawing parallels between the Gita Press and temples, Modi emphasized that the sacred texts published by the organization have inspired generations of Indians and served as guiding principles for millions. He further highlighted the Gita Press’s commitment to spreading knowledge, disseminating moral values, and instilling a sense of unity and purpose among its readers.
    The Prime Minister’s public endorsement of the Gita Press aims to counter the criticism levied against the institution and underscore its cultural significance. His words resonate with the sentiments of many who view the Gita Press as a bastion of knowledge, wisdom, and spiritual guidance.
    The Gita Press, renowned for its publication of Hindu religious texts, has long been revered by devotees and scholars alike. It has played a pivotal role in making sacred scriptures accessible to the masses and preserving India’s spiritual heritage.

    Source: Republic World
    Modi’s affirmation of the Gita Press not only serves to honor the institution but also sends a broader message about the importance of preserving India’s rich cultural fabric. By recognizing the institution as no less than a temple, the Prime Minister seeks to galvanize support for the Gita Press and reinforce the need to cherish and protect India’s spiritual traditions.
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