Additionally, according to the report, 9.02 million babies were born in 2023 compared to 956 million in 2022. Beijing is concerned about this development, which has caused a significant decline in Chinese stock prices. The idea that China will age before becoming affluent has become stronger as a result of this.

    This fall was anticipated, and the world is aware that the Communist Party of China (CPC) implemented the one-child policy in China in the 1980s. China changed to a two- and three-child policy today after Xi Jinping revised the policy in 2015 to halt and postpone this decrease. But despite the announcement of financial advantages, there hasn’t been a significant increase in the birth rate. This demonstrates that the population problem is not straightforward and linear, and top-down measures alone will not stop the drop.

    Looking back at Xi’s remarks at the All China Women’s Federation (ACWF) in October, it is clear how serious this decline is and how urgent it is to accelerate population growth.

    Source: Statista

    Xi said it was necessary to “actively cultivate a new culture of marriage and childbearing, and strengthen guidance on young people’s view on marriage, childbirth and family” . The CPC is currently emphasising the contribution of women to the renewal and development of the country. But the party defines this position, and it evolves in response to its needs and desires.

    ‘Unique’ has been the CPC’s connection with women. From the revolutionary days when Mao Zedong said that ‘women hold up half the sky’ and decried the practice of foot binding, China has come a long way. Chinese society saw significant changes as a result of Deng Xiaoping’s reform and opening, with more women entering the workforce.

    This increased the need for women to work, as did the one-child policy. Nonetheless, the party of today is once more urging women to fulfil their custom of bearing children. The Chinese economy has been significantly boosted by the demographic dividend. The first stage of China’s development was propelled by the allure of inexpensive labour. But in order to shift economic growth away from manufacturing and toward innovation, the CPC today requires a youthful, dynamic population.

    The population is also responsible for the growth of domestic consumption and needs. However, having more children is becoming increasingly challenging for people due to increased costs for retirement, healthcare, education, and lifestyle. Being a child and raising one is getting more and more expensive, making it less appealing.

    The demographic dividend is critical to the CPC. China is no longer the country with the largest population. China’s birth rates are steadily falling, and despite government policy initiatives, there has been no uptick in this trend. The party will face an even greater struggle if the downturn persists.

    Source: India Today

    There are other aspects to the dwindling population, and a more comprehensive strategy is required. In an attempt to accomplish this objective, the CPC has recently changed policies, which have always been implemented too little, too late. The party must realise that its economic policies, which have brought about significant social changes, are directly responsible for the population growth.

    It is typical to see a fall in population as more women enter the workforce and as education and weddings become more expensive. The party’s desire for women to regress socially and culturally while the nation should advance economically is shown by its call for women to give up their financial and economic independence in order to concentrate on having children.


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